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2019..........WE ARE READY!!

Updated: Dec 24, 2019

A New Year.......A new beginning....NEXT LEVEL

“This year I’m going to lose weight and exercise more.” “For the new year, I am going to visit others more.” “This year I am going to stop procrastinating.” “No, I know, I am going to save more money instead of spending so much.” " I will spend more time with family." " I have made resolutions before........but this time is going to be different, I am going to follow through with every resolution i make."

Haven’t we all said something like this before? Haven’t we all said many things we were going to do different for the New Year? Yes, we have……..or I know at least I have said specific things I was going to do differently. Some I have done, and some, well let’s just say it became more of a dream than a reality. What I have learned is helpful to me is to first reflect on the year I am currently in before I truly decide what I would like to challenge myself in doing for the New Year, 2019. What were great moments for you in 2018? What were things you wish you could have done differently? What were your triumphs………your learning lessons of 2018? So, I can’t ask you to think about 2018 without thinking about this year too. I have had moments that should have broken me but I am still standing. I have had joys so unbelievable that I didn’t even know were possible. I have lost loved ones to disease, and sicknesses. Grief has gripped my life just as an angry lion grips his prey. I have seen restoration of loved ones but I have also seen division in the same year. I have cried, laughed, experienced unspeakable joy, and had moments of wondering if I am doing all I need to do to fulfill my purpose. I have met amazing people. They were amazing not because of their title; they were amazing because of the unique, creative, gifted people they are. I have seen dreams become realities…….and have been overwhelmed by grace, favor, and love.

2019 is here!! I am sure there are so many things you desire to accomplish, places you want to go, new adventures you want to undertake, and so many things you may want to challenge yourself in accomplishing. My hope for you is……….

You will begin to find joy in the simplest things in life

You will begin to love more; be angry less

You will be driven by divine purpose; and chase after what brings you an abundance of joy

You will visit others more and spread love

You will focus on the strengths of others versus the weaknesses

You will believe in yourself and all the greatness that lies within you

You will help others expecting nothing in return

You will treasure true friendship and recognize the true beauty of the bond

You will speak positively about yourself instead of judging or speaking negativity about your life

You will realize even in mistakes you learn valuable lessons

You will enjoy precious moments, activities, and special time with family like never before

You will try something new and not become complacent

You will laugh more, quiet your spirit to enjoy nature, and believe with everything within you even when it doesn't look like you thought it would.

You will be confident in knowing this is a new year, a new beginning for you

2019 WE ARE READY!!! We are ready to embrace our dreams. We will not only embrace our dreams we will take steps to make the dreams become a reality. We will have balance in our lives, so we can enjoy life to the fullest. We will not procrastinate because we know each moment is special……. and we can never relive that moment.

2019 is here!! A new beginning………..a fresh start! Happy New Year. May this be a year of dreams being fulfilled, supernatural blessings, and a time where all the greatness within you comes alive!

Live your best life deserve it...... S. Y. Walton


1 Comment

Tai East
Tai East
Jan 02, 2019

This is such a wonderful post, Sylvia! Thank you so much for sharing! Happy New Year and God bless you, Sister! :-)


© 2021 Sylvia Walton. 

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